Modern applications in ICT workshop

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Blog-Sep-2014 RSS logo

Day 7

Christine Cahoon   Thu 11 Sep 2014

Following on from yesterday's introduction to HTML5, we explored more HTML5 features such as new form inputs, localstorage and sessionstorage to store the content of form submissions while offline, drag and drop, geolocation and some of the Application Programmer interfaces.

We also had a look at the most popular social media networks and their relevance to you as individuals and for your organisations.

We delved into Linked Data, and with examples, saw how being able to link datasets, many issues were highlighted that were previously not possible.

The last presentation of the day we took a further look at the reports in Google Analytics, specifically looking at the workshop server views.

Most of the day we worked on our group projects mostly focusing on forms. Creating the html for the form to check how it looked within the browser, adding it to the perl module ensuring the variables were set up and references to the database table and creating the database table. Each group have developed the form questions to gather information for use in their web projects.

Much to consolidate on our last day before presentations in the afternoon.

1 comment

George Munroe   Thu 11 Sep 2014

I've uploaded the HTML5 simple form using localStorage methods that will save form contents in the browser if the device is offline and allow re-submission of all pending saved forms when the device is online again.

It's available as zip archive at:

Have fun!