Modern applications in ICT workshop

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Blog-Sep-2014 RSS logo

Day 1

George Munroe   Wed 03 Sep 2014   updated: Thu 02 Oct 2014

So we took it slow because some participants were still en route to the workshop and not expected until Day 2. A lot of discussion about backgrounds, current work, and expectations for the workshop.

Ibrahim mentioned work in UBEC that involves visiting schools and completing assessments by completing forms from which reports are produced. Many of these schools are in remote areas without internet connectivity and often without electricity also. Mobile devices are used to collect the assessment information. His hope is that this information could be collected in exactly the same way as with online forms then automatically uploaded to a central database when the device came online again. We mentioned that HTML5 features should provide this capability and we will revisit later in the workshop.

The discussion about low cost Android mobile devices also led to the development of Android apps and we talked about how HTML5 apps could be used on all operating system platforms with obvious advantages over native apps.

We talked about the group projects we hope to complete by the end of the workshop and assigned Mohammed as the Lion group leader, Kanam as the Cheetah group leader and Ibrahim as the Leopard group leader.

In the afternoon we confirmed Google IDs and logged into Google Drive applications, created a Notes document each for recording notes on what we learn every day. We also looked at the Google presentation app which we will use for group presentations next week. We reviewed how to structure both documents and presentations correctly using proper style definitions and master slide layouts. We related this structuring of documents to web pages and HTML.

While using the personal computers we explored the contents of our USB drives, trying Notepad++ for simple text editing and creating an HTML document, linked CSS file and linked JavaScript file then viewing in the Chrome web browser. We also looked at the different components of the PuTTY collection of secure shell client software for connecting to internet servers.

A full day, despite the low numbers!